Feature Walkthrough JS plugin
A JS plugin to add a feature walkthrough on your web page.
Checkout a demo here. http://nbprithv.github.com/introtour-ui
Use the configuration below, to quickly set up a step by step walkthrough of features on your page. You can position the walkthrough callouts to appear on the right,left,top or bottom of the element you are describing. For the left/right position, give the width of the element. This positions the callout exactly the way you want it. Similarily, give the height of the element when using the top/bottom positioning of the callout. Future features, include a complete customization of the look & feel of the callouts.
- The div ID you pass cannot be hidden at the time of calling the init function.
- The div ID you pass needs to have an ancestor which has position:relative.
Add the css. The CSS should be available in CDN soon. Will update the link here once it is.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/gallery-introtour-ui-min.css">
jQuery Plugin usage
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery/gallery-introtour-ui-jq.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tour_cards = [{'title':'Welcome','position':'pagecenter','content':'Welcome to this feature tour'},
{'title':'Get Started','content':'This tells you what to do to get started.','target':'hello1','position':'right','width':'100'},
{'title':'Go here next','content':'Next, you should probably try this out.','target':'hello2','position':'top','height':'125'},
{'title':'Try this!','content':'This helps you get more information.','target':'hello3','position':'bottom','height':'50'},
{'title':'Important!','content':'Finally click here to save changes.','target':'hello4','position':'left','width':'50'},
{'title':'That\'s it! You\'re good to go!','position':'pagecenter'}];
YUI3 Plugin usage
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.8.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
<script src="yui/gallery-introtour-ui-yui.js"></script> //Or use directly from CDN.
<script type="text/javascript">
YUI().use('gallery-introtour-ui','test', function (Y) {
var tour_cards = [{'title':'Welcome','position':'pagecenter','content':'Welcome to this feature tour'},
{'title':'Get Started','content':'This tells you what to do to get started.','target':'hello1','position':'right','width':'100'},
{'title':'Go here next','content':'Next, you should probably try this out.','target':'hello2','position':'top','height':'125'},
{'title':'Try this!','content':'This helps you get more information.','target':'hello3','position':'bottom','height':'50'},
{'title':'Important!','content':'Finally click here to save changes.','target':'hello4','position':'left','width':'50'},
{'title':'That\'s it! You\'re good to go!','position':'pagecenter'}];